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Get Ready to Shred: 19 Skiing Exercises to Boost Your Snow Season!

November 04, 20236 min read

Winter is almost here, and you know what that means – skiing season! Whether you're a casual skier who enjoys leisurely runs down the slopes or a seasoned competitor looking to conquer the gnarliest of terrains, it's essential to prep your body for the snow-covered adventures ahead.

In this blog post, we'll explore a series of advanced skiing exercises that incorporate various fitness tools, such as TRX, Bosu, and the Rip Trainer, to help you level up your skiing skills.

TRX Hamstring Bridge

  1. TRX Hamstring Bridge

To kick things off, let's start with a fundamental exercise using the TRX. Make sure the TRX foot cradles are positioned at calf height. Lie on your back, placing your feet into the straps with your legs straight. Now, lift your buttocks, curl in your knees, and push your hips up. Lower and extend your legs again. Repeat this movement 20 times. This exercise strengthens your hamstrings, which play a crucial role in skiing.

  1. Single Leg Squat on Bosu

To take it up a notch, let's incorporate the Bosu into the mix. Shorten the TRX straps and position the Bosu under you for support. Stand on the Bosu, lift one leg off the ground, lean back to maintain a plank position, and perform a squat. Return to an upright position. Complete 10 repetitions on each leg. This exercise enhances your balance and stability, vital skills for skiing.

  1. TRX Hip Hinge on Bosu

Continuing with the Bosu, this exercise focuses on hip hinging. With your arms at a 90-degree angle, balance on the Bosu and perform a Romanian deadlift on one side. Return to an upright position. Ensure you engage your arms for balance. This exercise challenges your core and leg muscles, helping with stability while skiing.

  1. Bosu Step-Up

Now, let's flip the Bosu over so that it's flat side up. Stand on the center of the Bosu, lift one leg, and touch your toe with the same-side hand. Maintain an upright posture and engage your glutes as you stand up. Repeat this exercise to develop the strength needed for effective cutting and edging on the slopes.

  1. Rip Trainer Chest Press with Rotation

The Rip Trainer is an excellent tool for asymmetrical movement patterns, perfect for skiing preparation. Attach one end of the bungee cord to an anchor point. Stand with a staggered stance and hold the Rip Trainer with your arms straight in front of you. Rotate your body while maintaining tension in the cord. Perform a chest press by bringing the Rip Trainer in and out. To make it more dynamic, add a shuffle. This exercise works on rotational strength and agility.

  1. Rip Trainer Quick Feet

For a high-intensity exercise, try the Rip Trainer Quick Feet. With your arms extended, adopt a squat stance and rapidly move your feet. The goal is to mimic the quick, sharp movements required for navigating moguls. This exercise will improve your agility and responsiveness on the slopes.

7. TRX Squat

To get started, let's warm up with a classic squat using the TRX. Adjust the straps to mid-length and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back, keeping your toes lifted to engage the tibialis anterior for ankle mobility. Lower your body into a squat position while maintaining proper form. Aim for 20 reps to kick off your workout.

8. Single Leg Squat with TRX

Next, challenge your balance and strength with single-leg squats. Raise one knee, lean back, and slowly lower your body into a squat position. Avoid using your upper body for assistance. Perform 10 reps on each leg, ensuring you maintain proper form throughout.

9. TRX Static Lunges

Now, let's focus on lunges to strengthen your legs further. Start with static lunges, opening up your stance to a comfortable width. Perform 20 reps on each leg. This exercise not only builds strength but also gets your heart rate up, preparing you for the dynamic movements of skiing.

10. TRX Balance Lunges

Take your lunges to the next level by incorporating balance. Lift your leg, perform a lunge, and return to an upright position. Remember to keep your chest up and let your leg muscles do the work. Aim for 10 reps on each leg.

11. Suspended Lunges with TRX

For an added challenge, transition to suspended lunges. Adjust the TRX straps so one foot can comfortably fit in the foot cradle. Step back into a lunge position and push back up. This exercise intensifies your lower body workout, enhancing your stability and leg strength.

12. TRX Plank and Knee Drives

Now, let's shift our focus to core strength. Begin in a plank position with your feet in the foot cradles. Hold the plank for 30 seconds to engage your core. Then, progress to knee drives, where you pull your knees toward your chest. This exercise improves core mobility and stability.

For an extra challenge, incorporate side-to-side knee drives, targeting your obliques with 20 reps on each side.


Don’t want to use the TRX? No problem switching to Bosu or trying a mix of both!

Skii exercises

13. Lateral Hop

Begin by placing one foot on the center of the Bosu and the other foot slightly off to the side. Get into a low squat position and start hopping over the Bosu. This exercise targets your quads and gets your heart rate up quickly. You might also feel it in your ankles and calves.

14. Squat to Leg Extension

With the Bosu's dome side up, put one foot in the center. Practice your balance first. Then, lower into a squat and extend your leg out to the side. This exercise strengthens your glutes and challenges your ankle stability.

15. Single Leg Squat with Bosu

Still using the Bosu's dome side, balance on one leg and perform a squat by extending your other leg forward. This exercise targets your glutes and improves your balance.

16. Single Leg Balance with Bosu

Flip the Bosu over to its flat side and stand on it for balance practice. Once you're comfortable, stand on the arch of one foot and hold your balance. This exercise helps improve ankle stability.

17. Single Leg Squat with Rotation

On the flat side of the Bosu, stand on the arch of one foot and perform a single-leg squat. As you come back up, add a rotation to work on your core and balance.

18. Skater Jumps

For skater jumps, you can either do them on the ground or on the Bosu. If you choose the Bosu, hop from side to side, planting one foot on the Bosu each time. This exercise mimics the movement of skaters and strengthens your legs.

19. Bosu Plank with Knee Drives

With the Bosu flat side up, get into a plank position with your hands on the Bosu. Drive your knees in toward your chest, engaging your core. This exercise enhances your core strength and stability.

As skiing season approaches, it's crucial to prepare your body for the challenges ahead. These advanced exercises, incorporating TRX, Bosu, and the Rip Trainer, will help you enhance your skiing skills, from improving your balance and stability to strengthening the muscles necessary for cutting, edging, and tackling moguls.

Remember to adapt these exercises to your fitness level and consult a professional if you have any concerns or injuries. So, gear up, hit the gym, and get ready to shred the slopes this winter!

Curious to see these exercises come to life? Subscribe to our youtube channel for handy tips and tricks. 


ChiropractorChiropractic tipsSkii Exercise
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Dr. Heather

Dr. Heather is a neuromusculoskeletal practitioner specializing in proper spinal/articular alignment, muscle imbalances and soft tissue injuries. As a Doctor of Chiropractic with over 20 plus years of experience, Heather has concentrated on athletic training/ sports medicine.

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